Freedom Gardens
World-Class Rose Collection
Hard-to-find Roses & Lilacs for Sale in Pots
We look forward to welcoming you during our Open Garden Days this year, every Sunday in June.
We have a superb crop of rose plants for sale this year, including many varieties not available from any other North American source. If you are looking for a hard-to-find rose not listed here, please ask. We have especially large collections of hybrid perpetuals, Austin roses and Kordes roses.
Own-root roses propagated at Freedom Gardens. 1-gallon pots. $25 each.
Roses can be purchased now for pickup at the garden here in Freedom Twp., Portage County, Ohio beginning in June. All roses are in very limited quantities. To purchase any of these plants please call Peter on 330.296.2618 or use the contact form on this website to confirm availability. We accept cash, checks, PayPal, and all major credit cards.
ABIGAIL ROSE (Schroeck 2022) 5-petal hot pink hybrid musk, healthy, exhibition sprays
ADORABLE (Kordes 2019) sleek magenta-lilac hybrid tea, fragrant and healthy
ALAIN BLANCHARD (Vibert 1839) famously spotted dusky violet gallica, now hard-to-find
ALIDA LOVETT (Van Fleet 1909) fragrant large-flowered climber, strawberry milkshake pink
ALIKA (Hansen 1908) single-petaled cerise, glowing stamens, super-tough gallica
ALOHA (Boerner 1949) large-flowered, fragrant, salmon-pink pillar; Austin ancestor
ALTISSIMO (Delbard 1966) climber; startling, large, single-petaled red blooms
ANASTASIA (Adam 2014) many-petaled ivory-pale sepia hybrid tea; long, healthy stems
ANGELICA RENAE (Wells 1996) tall, award-winning miniature; shades of pink
ANTIKE (Kordes 1988) cherry and cream with Old Garden form, climber or large shrub
APOTHECARY'S ROSE (primeval) R. gallica officinalis, never hard-to-find until now
ARCADIA (Walsh 1913) double vermillion rosettes, American-bred wichurana rambler
ARDOISE DE LYON (Damaizin 1858) strawberry sport of Baronne Prevost
ATHENA (Kordes 2015) vigorous, healthy, very full hybrid tea; creamy yellow, tipped cherry
AWAKENING (Bohm 1935) auspicious mutation: New Dawn w/more petals, quartered form
BANSHEE (c. 1773?) super tough light pink Old Garden Rose
BARONESSE (Tantau 2010) superior, fragrant, quartered raspberry pink in sprays $60
BELLE ROSINE (Vibert 1829) rare dark pink gallica, well-formed blooms last when cut
BENJAMIN ALEXANDER (Schroeck 2024) double mauve hybrid musk, color-pop sprays
BERNIE (Schneider 2016) exhibition miniflora, light pink $40
BESS LOVETT (Van Fleet 1915) fragrant rose-red climber, long lost or confused
BETTER TIMES (Kordes 2022) crowd-pleasing golden amber HT; big blooms, great health
BEVERLY-ANN (Horner 2000) bright fuchsia red, free-blooming floribunda
BLACK PRINCE (Paul 1866) charming, productive hybrid perpetual, deepest crimson $40
BUKAVU (Lens 1998) brighter Ballerina, best hybrid musk named for Congolese town
CAREFREE MARVEL (Meilland 2001) semi-double coral-cherry in sprays, lustrous leaves
CENTENAIRE DE LOURDES (Delbard 1958) blended pink, big-impact floribunda-shrub
CHANELLE (McGredy 1959) lovely, fragrant pastel cream/blush; large for a floribunda
CHARLES DE MILLS (<1746) gallica, what they called red back then, plant and stand back
CHARLES LEFEBVRE (Lacharme 1861) muscular, free-blooming, maroon-crimson HP
CHARLES XII (Dickerson 2004) rich pink many-petaled modern bourbon with vigor
CHATTOOGA (Williams 2004) tall, heavy-blooming reddish pink miniature, hybrid tea form
CLOVIE (Roussell 2018) long-stemmed salmon-orange exhibition hybrid tea
COUNTRY BOY (2000) our semi-double sport of Austin's The Countryman, just as tough
COUNTRY LADY (Harkness 1988) shapely warm orange HT, profuse, good to cut $40
COUNTRY LIVING (Austin 1991) delicate light pink blooms on winter hardy shrub $40
COURAGE (Kordes 2020) big pastel buff HT, spiraled before quartering, will win Queens
DADDY FRANK (Tucker 2009) velvety red, exhibition form, large for a miniature
DART'S DASH (Darthuis 1980) compact rosy-crimson rugosa hybrid, delicious hips
DINKY (Velle 2003) normal-size deep rose-pink hybrid musk, tightly packed sprays
DIXIELAND LINDA (Beales 1996) apricot-salmon sport of Boerner's Aloha
DR E M MILLS (Van Fleet 1925) shrubby semi-double yellow hybrid hugonis
DR HELFFERICH (Lambert 1919) hybrid tea, groundbreaking coral color still unique today
DR HUEY (Thomas 1914) large-flowered rambler, somber red with bright yellow stamens
DR JOHN DICKMAN (Bridges 2003) best mauve miniflora for garden or show
DR W VAN FLEET (Van Fleet 1910) powerful large-flowered rambler, light pink and fragrant
DOMSTADT FULDA (Kordes 1994) shapely floribunda, intensely orange-red
DUCHESSE D'ORLEANS (Quetier 1851) large, full, rosy carmine/lilac; rare, atypical HP $40
DUKE OF EDINBURGH (Paul 1868) burly crimson HP, strong repeat, correctly named
EIFFELZAUBER (Kordes 2009) many-petaled chiffon pink climber, towering magic
ELMSHORN (Kordes 1951) large sprays, petal-packed vivid pink, stalwart shrub
ERIC TABARLY (Meilland 2003) voluptuous crimson English-style, short climber or shrub
FARA SHIMBO (Barden 2005) elegant, healthy moss; nearly black with golden stamens
FERNAND TANNE (Turbat 1920) rare, fragrant, button-eyed, pastel yellow climber
FLOWER GIRL (Fryer 1999) semi-double appleblossom pink shrub, stupendous sprays
FOLKMAGIC (Blok 2009) very large, honey-yellow, exhibition hybrid tea
FOREVER ROSE (Schmitz 2019) large cream/pink, gazillion petals, Kordes-like floribunda
FORSTMEISTER HEIM (Geschwind 1887) full-petaled mauve-red in sprays; hybrid bourbon
FOUR SISTERS (S Schneider 2019) Seven Sisters reinvented as a fast-repeating polyantha
FRANCE DE BERVILLE (Eve 2001) lovely cherry red nitida hybrid; a plantsman's rose
FRAU KARL DRUSCHKI (Lambert 1901) ivory tower hybrid perpetual, heading toward HT
FURSTIN VON PLESS (Lambert 1911) ivory hybrid tea with rugosa ancestor
GALLICANDY (Barden 2003) bubblegum pink, profuse, modern gallica
GEHEIMRAT DOCTOR MITTWEG (Lambert 1909) charming shrub; pink/mauve/white
GELBER ENGEL (Kordes 2003) hyper-vigorous, winter-hardy, yellow floribunda-shrub
GEORGES DE CADONEL (Schwartz 1904) strapping bourbon-climber, long blushing sprays
GESCHWIND'S NORDLANDROSE (1884) shades of pink, indestructible setigera hybrid
GIDEON LINCECUM (Shoup 2006) glossy white shrub for unreconstructed naturalist
GILDA (1887) double, pink and deeper pink in sprays, most fragrant Geschwind
GLENN DALE (Van Fleet 1927) whopping yellow-cream blooms, shade tolerant rambler $40
GOURMET POPCORN (Desamero 1986) more vigorous version of miniature Popcorn
GRUSS AN GERMERSHAUSEN (Brummer 1926) eyecatching rambler, 5-petal candy pink
GRUSS AN TEPLITZ (Geschwind 1894) fragrant scarlet, highly hybridized china
GYPSY SUE (ARE 2015) tall apricot, English-style shrub, quite hardy for its color
HAKUUN (Poulsen 1962) incredible exhibition sprays on compact white floribunda
HANSA (Van Tol 1905) classic, tall, fragrant, full-petaled rugosa hybrid, rose-pink/violet
HAPPY WANDERER (1954>) profuse climbing sport of red polyantha Happy
HART CRANE (Schneider 2010) purple 5-petal rugosa hybrid, a top exhibition classic shrub
HEALTHCARE HERO (Singer 2022) pink with hints of sunshine, healthiest miniflora
HEAVEN ON EARTH (Kordes 2004) giant peony-like coral orange blooms, floribunda $40
HEAVENLY PINK (Lens 1997) heavy-blooming hybrid musk; ascending pyramidal sprays
HENRY KELSEY (Svejda 1984) bright red kordesii climber, vigorous and free-blooming
HIGH VOLTAGE (Lim 2009) vigorous , winter-hardy yellow shrub; shapely blooms in sprays
ILLUSION (Kordes 1961) classic free-blooming cinnabar red kordesii climber
INDIGO (Laffay 1830) compact constant-blooming purple portland
ISPAHAN (<1832) essential rose-pink damask: healthy, cuttable and super-fragrant
JAMES MASON (Beales 1982) blood red modern gallica for hedge or back of border
JANE CHARLOTTE (Beal 2025) blush Blossomtime sport, identical in all other respects
JEANNE RICHERT (Walter 1929) lots-going-on prolific white rambler, rare in this country
JERI JENNINGS (Barden 2007) very full, golden yellow, arching hybrid musk
JOHN DAVIS (Svejda 1986) up-for-anything tall double pink; ultra-hardy, drought-resistant
JUDE THE OBSCURE (Austin 1995) eager, petal-packed, fragrant golden yellow $40
JULIET (Paul 1910) unique, utterly charming bicolor HP; rosy crimson/buff gold $60
KASHMIR (Lim 2009) rich crimson hybrid tea-type blooms; upright free-blooming shrub
KEAN (1820?) purple pink gallica, recommended to all who dislike complicated OGR names
LA BELLE SULTANE (Dupont c. 1795) golden stamens erupting from silky purple petals
LA FRAICHEUR (Turbat 1921) icy pink rambler, all day long
LANDLUST (Kordes 2016) shiny yellow suffused with pink; healthy, upright shrub
LARISSA (Kordes 2009) big sprays of cream/pink rosettes; arching floribunda/shrub $40
LATSCH PINK (S Schneider 2010) the repeating gallica some have been waiting for
LICHTERLOH (Tantau 1955) saturated red, floribunda-like hybrid musk
LILA (S Schneider 2016) free-blooming pale yellow patio rose, bred from Martine Guillot
LILIAN AUSTIN (1973) wide-petaled coral flame; like a winter-hardy Pernetiana $40
LILY GRACE (Schroeck 2024) very healthy, constantly-in-bloom, white polyantha
LONG JOHN SILVER (Horvath 1934) boundless large-flowered rambler, silvery white
LOUIS VAN TYLE (<1846) opulent lavender pink gallica, spreading wider than tall
LUCY IRENE (Nicholson 2012) soft pink sport of William Baffin; lovely and just as tough
LULLABY (Shepherd 1953) Ohio-bred polyantha version of Mme Hardy, always in bloom
MME HARDY (Hardy 1832) ivory-cream damask, the green-eyed bewitcher
MAGENTA (Kordes 1954) lilac-mauve English-style in sprays; vigorous floribunda-shrub
MAGIC CARROUSEL (Moore 1972) classic cherry/cream picotee mini, bushy and profuse
MAGNA CHARTA (Paul 1876) big blooms in shades of rich pink, tall hybrid perpetual
MANDER'S NUTKANA #1 (1983) nutkana X floribunda. Nutkana wins.
MARCHESA BOCCELLA (Desprez 1842) easy-growing, free-blooming light pink HP
MARIA LIESA (Liebau 1936) cheery 5-petaled bright pink, thornless rambler or large shrub
MARINETTE (Austin 1995) wide-petaled rose/white, long stems, 1960s hybrid tea vibe $40
MARKGRAFIN WILHEMINE (Tantau 1995) very rare clear pink floribunda/shrub
MARQUISE DE BALBIANO (Lacharme 1855) rare mauve bourbon, dislikes extremes $40
MECENE (Vibert 1845) compact gallica, white stripes running out of deep pink petals $40
MEINE ROSE (Kordes 2023) very fragrant, deeply cupped, macaron pink; healthy hybrid tea
MERMAID (Paul 1918) rampageous single-petaled soft yellow hybrid bracteata
METEOR (Kordes 2020) vibrant floribunda, brassy yellow with coppery orange
MIRANDA (deSansal 1869) free-blooming candy pink Portland, excellent round habit
MRS B R CANT (Cant 1901) heavy blooming pink tea, more hardy than thought
MRS KEAYS' SNOW BUSH (<1930) relentless rambler; 5-petal white, vivid yellow stamens
MORNING MIST (Austin 1997) orange-coral, superior single-petaled shrub $40
MY VALENTINE (Moore 1975) classic red true miniature, impressive sprays, hard-to-find
NYMPHE EGERIA (Geschwind 1892) lovely sprays of full-petaled pink, tall shrub
NYVELDT'S WHITE (1955) pure snow, more graceful version of R. rugosa alba
OPEN ARMS (Warner 1996) coral-orange blizzard; winter-hardy statement shrub
PAUL'S SCARLET CLIMBER (1916) old-timey favorite suburban rambler
PEARL DRIFT (LeGrice 1981) glistening blooms & foliage, Mermaid X New Dawn
PERENNIAL BLUSH (Mehring 2007) pliable, shade-tolerant, repeating rambler
PHYLLIS BIDE (Bide 1923) dainty yellow-buff blooms; fast-repeating, short, pliable climber
PIERRINE (Williams 1988) classic, cuttable, free-blooming coral miniature, hybrid tea form
PINK PAVEMENT (Baum 1991) rugged deep pink hybrid rugosa, lots of hips
PINK ROAMER (Horvath 1893) cheerful, persistent bright pink blend groundcover / rambler
PINK ROBIN (Lens 1992) rare R. helenae hybrid, tall and profuse
PINK SURPRISE (Lens 1987) saucer-size single-petaled pale pink blooms
PIROUETTE (Poulsen 2004) lush sprays, very full coral pink rosettes, compact climber
POETRY (Kordes 2019) very healthy floribunda; smothered in soft pink, scalloped blooms
POMPONELLA (Kordes 2006) constant candelabras, rich pink globular blooms $40
PORCELAINE DE CHINE (Lens 1996) great masses of pearlescent HT-like buds
PROVINS PANACHE (Fontaine 1860?) international striped rose of mystery, bourbon/HP
QUADRA (1993) bold red climber, largest blooms in Explorer family
QUEEN OF HEARTS (Kordes 2009) overlooked free-blooming coral orange English-style $40
"RALPH'S OLD GARDEN ROSE" very full, large, fragrant, rose pink; centifolia-like shrub
RAUBRITTER (Kordes 1936) macrantha hybrid; pink balloons of early summer
REMBRANDT (Moreau-Robert 1883) dependable carmine-mauve portland, upright habit
RETRO (Meilland 1980) large, ideally quartered camellia pink; unicorn Austin facsimile $60
REVOLUTION FRANCAISE (Meilland 1989) jumbo scarlet HT, striking full blown
RHAPSODY IN BLUE (Cowlishaw 1999) upright purple-grey sprays, bluest in some shade
ROBUSTA (Kordes 1979) tall rugosa hybrid, winning sprays of 5-petaled red
R. ARKANSANA 'PEPPERMINT' pink dapples and stripes, top exhibition species
R. GLAUCA aka R. rubrifolia, the Redleaf rose; simple, star-shaped pink blooms
R. PALUSTRIS pink, the Swamp Rose, perfectly happy with wet feet, repeats
R. RUBRIFOLIA star-shaped 5-petaled pink, the Redleaf Rose, formerly R. glauca
R. RUGOSA grown from seed, colors range from medium to deepest pink
R. SETIGERA pink, the Prairie Rose, famously dioecious American species
R. VIRGINIANA robust single-petaled pink, native to Ohio as well as Virginia
"ROSE PETALS HOPPER" profuse deep pink china $15
ROSENSTADT ZWEIBRUCKEN (Kordes 1989) cheerful pink/coral/yellow shrub
RUBY ICE (Kordes 2012) abundant cherry/silver; vigorous, thornless floribunda-shrub
RUBY QUEEN (Van Fleet 1899) double light crimson/pink over white; quite rare rambler
RUTHIE'S ROSE (Singer 2020) white/rose pink miniflora; reliable for garden and show
"RUTH'S GERMAN ROSE" violet-lilac gallica/china, double, very free blooming
SANDY (USDA 2000) improved selection of R. rugosa, thanks to the government
SCHNEIDERII No. 3 (Schneider 2020) tree-climbing 5-petaled pink blend
SCHOENER'S NUTKANA (1930) large 5-petaled rose red blooms, gold stamens
SIR THOMAS LIPTON (VanFleet 1900) upright, double, very white; polite rugosa hybrid
SNOW PAVEMENT (Uhl 1984) superior hybrid rugosa; crystal white, subtle lavender sheen
SOUVENIR DE LA MALMAISON (Beluze 1843) perfect pearlescent bourbon
SOUVENIR DE LOUIS AMADE (Delbard 1998) lilac-pink English-style, strong myrrh
SOUVENIR DU PRESIDENT LINCOLN (Moreau/Robert 1865) rich pink bourbon
SPIRIT OF FREEDOM (Austin 2003) luscious, free-blooming, 180-petaled lilac pink $40
SUMMER JOY (Walsh 1911) late-blooming double rambler, white buds open rose
SUPER DOROTHY (Hetzel 1986) repeating version of classic pink rambler Dorothy Perkins
SUZANNE (Skinner 1949) the rock-hardy coral-salmon rose of the prairies
SWEET CHILD OF MINE (Tantau 2010) abundant cream English-style in large sprays $40
SWINGER (Jolly 1984) rare bright yellow mini; originally promoted for hanging basket use
THE BISHOP (ancient) tall, deep pink/purple, centifolia/gallica
THE CHARLATAN (Meilland 2007) exquisite 5-petal shell pink, like Dainty Bess on Botox
THE DOCTOR (Howard 1936) big, blowsy, bright pink HT; fragrant and charming
THE GERBE (Fauque 1904) proto large-flowered climber, frosting pink, some repeat
THERESE BUGNET (1950) fragrant, very double, indestructible rose pink hybrid rugosa
TURBO (Meilland 1994) lustrous coral pink rugosa hybrid, fully double and straight-up
URDH (Tantau 1930) major deep pink hybrid perpetual named for minor Norse deity
VEGESACKER CHARME (Kordes 2003) big-spray silver/coral 5-petaled shrub
VIOLACEE (Soupert & Notting 1876) startling deep purple moss rose $40
VLATAVA (Bohm 1936) lovely, rare double mauve rambler; just the right amount of vigor
VULCANO (Kordes 2019) vermilion, tinted copper and gold; large cupped, quartered blooms
WATERLOO (Lens 1996) enormous panicles, double white blooms, hybrid musk
WILLIAM BAFFIN (Svejda 1983) pink, most winter-hardy repeating climber
WINDRUSH (Austin 1984) glowing pale yellow, semi-double, vigorous $40
ZEUS (Kern 1959) Ohio-introduced golden yellow climber, repeats and survives
Paul Jerabek Introductions For Sale
Own-root roses propagated at Freedom Gardens. 1-gallon pots. $20 each.
ALICE PAT compact, early-blooming red blend floribunda SOLD OUT
ANNE GRABER tall floribunda, wavy light red exhibition sprays
AUNT RUTH strawberry/cream semi-double climber, trophies at national shows SOLD OUT
BROWN STUDY novelty brown-orange floribunda SOLD OUT
CAMILLE ROSE profuse, healthy clear pink shrub
CHATEAU DE VAIR 93 exuberant cerise/white polyantha, trophies at district shows
CONNIE pure yellow semi-double miniature, almost always in bloom SOLD OUT
CORKY THACKER large-flowered coral pink shrub, one of Paul's best 2022 INTRODUCTION SOLD OUT
DEBBIE LYNN long-stemmed ruby red hybrid tea SOLD OUT
ESTHER JERABEK pink polyantha-style floribunda SOLD OUT
FOREVER, MICHAEL JON pure pink grandiflora SOLD OUT
JERRY 'Double Delight' re-imagined as a grandiflora SOLD OUT
JULES full-bodied red climber, repeating well SOLD OUT
JUSTINE MEE LIFF pink grandiflora for garden and cut flowers SOLD OUT
LORI rich orange, healthy large-flowered climber SOLD OUT
MARS WAGAR purple, fragrant, compact English-style shrub 2021 INTRODUCTION $25
MAYA LEE big orange-red hybrid tea, powerfully fragrant SOLD OUT
MELVIN pink/cream/mauve floribunda SOLD OUT
MILAN white/red floribunda, huge exhibition sprays SOLD OUT
OUR PEARL vigorous climber, white with pink edge SOLD OUT
PATRICIA C OPPMANN white floribunda, early Jerabek SOLD OUT
PAUL JERABEK superb white/pink, Paul's last and best climber SOLD OUT
PAULSPRIDE pastel large-flowered climber: pink, yellow and white SOLD OUT
PAW MAW mauve grandiflora, individually and in sprays SOLD OUT
PEGGY M yellow and pink hand-painted English-style shrub SOLD OUT
PETER JOHN apricot-pink large-flowered hybrid musk
PHOTOGENIC stunning semi-double white with lipstick edge, climber/shrub
RAY'S JOY bright orange floribunda, most popular with people named Ray SOLD OUT
ROSEFORD prolific light pink climber with intriguing scent SOLD OUT
SNOWBELT polyantha, like having a white azalea blooming all summer long
SUE DICKMAN floribunda, bright coral orange with silver SOLD OUT
SUSAN SCHNEIDER shrub, brilliant yellow-changing-to-red in sprays, many trophies
SUSAN'S SISTER more intense colors in smaller sprays, vigorous floribunda SOLD OUT
THE CLERK large, bright red English-style blooms on stalwart shrub SOLD OUT
WEE BUTTERFLIES (R.jerabekii) prolific pink/white polyantha, comes true from seed SOLD OUT
WINE & ROSES exotic climber, inky zinfandel with pale rose reverse SOLD OUT
WINIFRED pink grandiflora, like 'Queen Elizabeth' with holding power SOLD OUT
WOMEN IN MILITARY very free blooming red shrub, one of Paul's best SOLD OUT
ZENAITTA superb orange-red polyantha for exhibition and garden SOLD OUT
Custom Propagation
We offer custom propagation of hard-to-find roses for patient rosarians. All of our roses are propagated on their own roots. In most cases this takes 12-18 months but sometimes it can take longer. We can propagate any rose that is not under current patent or trademark. Many people make a visit to our garden to choose what they would like to have propagated from our vast collection of hard-to-find roses. We note roses unique to our nursery in the Combined Rose List. And gardeners often want us to propagate an unknown but loved family heirloom rose. Custom propagation is $40 per plant, payable when the order is placed. Some especially difficult-to-propagate or extremely high-demand roses cost more, as noted. All cultivars priced at more than $40 are strictly one-per-customer per year. We can only propagate a finite number of roses each year, and early ordering is always recommended.
Note: Cultivars marked with an asterisk (*) are fully subscribed for this propagation year. Orders for cultivars with an asterisk (*) are not being accepted at this time.
ACROPOLIS (Meilland 2002) russet/ivory/green; more vigor than most weird colors $50
ALCHYMIST (Kordes 1956) old-fashioned old gold, large-flowered rambler/shrub
ALDEN BIESEN (Lens 1996) vigorous hybrid musk; hydrangea-like sprays, soft pink/white
ALEXANDRA PRINCESSE DE LUXEMBOURG (Kordes 2010) lovely many-petal pink
ALEXIS LEPERE (Vigneron 1875) very rare hybrid perpetual, large scarlet blooms
ALICE VENA (~1800) full-petaled crimson-purple sprays; compact, persistent gallica
ALLEGRA (Barden 2004) 100+ quartered petals, clear rose pink, modern gallica
ALLUX SYMPHONY (Austin 1986) soft yellow rosette, looking large on compact shrub $50
ALOHA HAWAII (Kordes 2004) coral orange climber, healthy and winter hardy
AMBROISE PARE (Vibert 1846) endless mauve and purple variations, fully double gallica
AMERICAN LEGACY crimson-pink English-style shrub from Griffith Buck, fragrant and full
AMES CLIMBER (Maney 1932) hulking blanda X multiflora, thornless, rose pink pre-Buck
ANABELL (Kordes 1972) orange-salmon floribunda, huge candelabra exhibition sprays
ANN HENDERSON (Fryer 2004) free-blooming, vigorous, russet floribunda
ANNA DE DIESBACH (Lacharme 1858) in color, form and fragrance, the perfect pink HP
ANNA SCHARSACH (Geschwind 1890) glowing shell pink HP; vigorous and healthy
ARIELLE DOMBASLE (Meilland 1991) climber in sunset shades, rare in this country
ARNOLD (Dawson 1893) long-lost reddish purple ruogsa X HP, born at Harvard's arboretum
ASCHERMITTWOCH [Ash Wednesday] (Kordes 1955) large climber, ghostly grey
*ASCOT (Tantau 2008) like a red bomb peony all summer long $50
ASHLEY ELIZABETH (Schroeck 2023) 5-petal cherry red; mini child of Chateau de Vair 93
ASPIRIN ROSE (Tantau 1997) profuse white shrublet, for centenary of Bayer aspirin
ASTRID GRAFIN VON HARDENBERG (Tantau 2002) striking black-purple, very fragrant
AUBADE (Nirp 2021) hefty pastel yellow hybrid tea, sometimes Green Island-style
AUGUSTA LUISE (Tantau 2000) multi-petaled confection of apricot, orange and pink $60
BABY LOVE (Scrivens 1992) 5-petaled pure yellow mini-shrub, very healthy and prolific
BADEN-BADEN (Kordes 1952) satiny crimson hybrid tea, profuse, incredibly fragrant
BALLERINA (Bentall 1937) classic pink blend hybrid musk, billowing clusters
*BALTIMORE BELLE (Feast 1843) white setigera, for Napoleon's American sister-in-law
BARON GIROD DE L'AIN (Reverchon 1897) bizarre, beautiful chalk-edged scarlet-crimson
BARONNE NATHANIEL de ROTHSCHILD (Pernet 1885) superb powder pink HP
BASYE'S LEGACY (1968) single-petaled bright pink in sprays, thornless and tough
BASYE'S PURPLE (1968) unique shrub, single-petaled, purple inside and out
BELLA DONNA (<1844) classic pink fragrant damask, very long spring bloom
BELLA NITIDA (Uhl 1994) frostproof bright pink species hybrid; perfume, hips
BELLE ISIS (Parmentier 1845) lovely blush gallica, few suckers, Austin ancestor $50
*BELLE STORY (Austin 1984) very fragrant, wide-petaled coral pink; sprawly shrub $50
BENTHEIMER GOLD (Kordes 2016) long amber sprays, attention-getting floribunda
BERLIN (Kordes 1949) single-petaled shocking orange on sturdy shrub
BIBI MAIZOON (Austin 1989) extraordinarily profuse pink shrub, long cutting stems $50
BILL SLIM (1986) bright salmon orange, from the golden age of Harkness floribundas
BILL WARRINER (1996) mainstream coral pink floribunda, good to cut, hard to find
BISCHOFSTADT PADERBORN (Kordes 1964) rare electric orange semi-double shrub
BLAIRII No. 2 (Blair 1845) climbing light pink cabbage rose, better than Blairii No. 1
BLOSSOMTIME (O'Neal 1951) classic pink Ohio-bred climber with scrolled HT-like buds
BLUE GIRL no, not that one! Free-blooming, fragrant, compact flora-tea (Sauvageot 2009)
BLUSH HIP (1840) tender pink on a tough plant, the alba that acts like a gallica
BOLERO (Olesen 1998) barely double cream climber, eager to bloom in sprays
BOUQUET PARFAIT (Lens 1989) pink blend hybrid musk, perfect petal-packed sprays
BREEZE HILL (Van Fleet 1926) lovely, fragrant, double cupped, apricot buff climber $50
BRIGHT SMILE (Dickson 1981) cheerful, compact, early-blooming yellow floribunda
BRITISH QUEEN (McGredy 1912) heirloom, creamy white, high-centered hybrid tea
BUTTERSCOTCH (Warriner 1986) stunning light brown large-flowered climbing rose
*CAFE (Kordes 1956) fascinating brown, old-fashioned form, fragrant, compact $50
CAMILLE BERNADIN (Gautreau 1865) ruffly red blend HP; over-delivers size & scent
CAPTAIN CHRISTY (Lacharme 1873) productive, long-stemmed, heirloom HT; soft pink
CAPTAIN HARRY STEBBINGS (1980) big, high-centered deep pink Old School hybrid tea
CAPTAIN THOMAS (Thomas 1935) spectacular single-petaled yellow climbing hybrid tea
CARAMEL ANTIKE (Kordes 2005) many-petaled golden amber, long cutting stems $50
CARAMELLA (Kordes 2002) Werthers amber; large, shapely blooms on healthy shrub
CARDINAL DE RICHELIEU (Parmentier 1840) purple/slate, if you grow only one gallica...
CARDINAL HUME (Harkness 1984) plum purple rosettes in attractive sprays, free-blooming
CAROLINE DE SANSAL (Desprez 1849) sturdy HP packed with pale pink crepe petals $50
CELSIANA (<1732) ethereal semi-double damask, luminescent light pink
CERISE BOUQUET (Tantau 1937 or Kordes 1958--they don't know!) uncommon shrub
CESKE PRACI CEST (Vercera 1970) sturdy cerise rambler for proletariat & bourgeoisie
CHANTAL MERIEUX (Guillot 2000) large, quartered, raspberry pink; memorable scent
CHAPEAU DE NAPOLEON (1723) the famous Crested Moss, lavish centifolia sport $50
CHARDON (S Schneider 2000) breath-taking 9' white fountain, like an atomic Snowbelt
*CHARLEMAGNE (Dorisy 1836) historic early HP, named for ancestor of many genealogists
CHARMING PIANO (Tantau 2013) charismatic pink version of Piano $50
CHAUCER (Austin 1970) large, fragrant, cupped, light pink blooms; compact shrub $50
CHOCOLATE SUNDAE (Meilland 2009) 85% cocoa, 15% brick; large-flower climber $50
CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE (2003) gaudy orange-red with salmon, atypical Austin $50
CINDERELLA (Kordes 2004) many-petaled pure light pink, climber or tall shrub
CITY GIRL (Harkness 1994) bright pastel climber (...though she was country raised)
CITY OF YORK (Tantau 1945) bright white, yellow boss, big-spray repeating rambler
CLAIR ELYSE (Smith 2017) exhibition hybrid tea, scarlet-vermillion
*CLAIRE ROSE (Austin 1990) quiet pink, packed with petals and fragrance $50
CLASSIC TOUCH (Hefner 1991) light pink sport of Touch of Class
CLEalta (Clements 1998) dazzling coral-orange sport of Altissimo
CLEsong (Clements 2001) 5-petal red blend, best of several roses named for A L McDowell
CLIO (Paul 1894) heavy-blooming, high-centered, sugar pink hybrid perpetual $50
COCONUT ICE (Kordes 2013) prolific pink/white cupped, most fun of all the grandifloras
COLCESTRIA (Cant 1916) gorgeous, plush, satin pink blooms on arching climber $50
COMICE DE TARN-ET-GARONNE (Pradel 1852) intricately formed carmine-rose bourbon
COMTESSE CECILE DE CHABRILLANT (Marest 1858) petal-packed blush pink HP
*CONSTANCE SPRY (1961) big fragrant pink globes, the original Austin English rose $50
CONUNDRUM (Tucker 2002) yellow blend miniflora, as easy to grow as it is to spell
COQUETTE DES BLANCHES (Lacharme 1871) full-petaled, heavy blooming white bourbon
CORAL LIONS ROSE (Kordes 2020) as one might expect, coral-orange Lions-Rose sport
CORPORAL JOHANN NAGY (Geschwind 1890) crimson-violet setigera hybrid, big sprays
CORYLUS (LeRougetel 1988) blooms, autumn foliage color & hips; a rose for all seasons
COTTAGE ROSE (Austin 1991) free-blooming, pure pink cupped rosette $50
COURTNEY MARIE (Schroeck 2017) single-petaled bright red polyantha, always in bloom
CREAM PUFF (Bennett 1981) blushing pink, very early miniflora, now rare
CRESCENDO (Zary 2011) cream and pink exhibition hybrid tea, best on its own roots
CRIMSON GLORY (Kordes 1935) classic deep red HT, famously fragrant, original bush form
*CUYAHOGA (Poulsen 1994) rich coral; local favorite in National Parks series of shrubs
CYMBELINE (Austin 1982) gorgeous dove grey, arching, intensely fragrant $50
DAIRY MAID (LeGrice 1957) ivory parchment floribunda, large single-petaled blooms
DAISY HILL (Kordes 1906) R. macrantha with more petals and more pink, charming+ $50
DAMES DE CHENOCEAU (Delbard 2003) fragrant, very full English-style, soft apricot-pink
DELPHINE (Tantau 2014) productive, long-stemmed, English-style orange-pink $50
DEMBROWSKI (Vibert 1849) deep cerise red hybrid perpetual with vigor, repeats well
DEUTSCHES DANZIG (Lambert 1935) outstanding polyantha, despite revanchist name
DICK'S DELIGHT (Dickson 1999) profuse pincushion pink mini, ideal for rock gardens
DR ANDRY (Verdier 1864) collector's hybrid perpetual; fragrant, scarlet sprays
DOCTOR DICK (Cocker 1985) coral-salmon hybrid tea, enormous exhibition blooms
DOCTOR JACKSON (Austin 1987) vigorous 5-petaled red spinossima hybrid, super-rare $60
DR MERKELEY (<1924) large, double, fluffy rose pink; spinosissima from Siberia
DR ROBERT KORNS (Lettunich 1996) heavy blooming hybrid musk, pale apricot to white
DOMINA (Schmitz 2011) prolific white hybrid tea, for cut flower production
*DOMINIC SUNSET (Barden 2002) exquisitely formed vivid peach, bracteata background
DOORENBOS SELECTION (~1950) extra-good spinosissima, rosy-purple all summer
DORNROSCHEN (Kordes 1960) large salmon-pink in sprays, acicularis ancestry
DOROTHY ANNE (Winchel 1985) exhibition hybrid tea, white blending to pink
DOUBLE CARLOS RED (Erskine) amazing acicularis x woodsii, profuse bloom and hips $50
DOUBLOONS (Horvath 1934) vigorous golden yellow Ohio-bred climber, Wooster rescue
DREAM LAND (Schmitz 2015) light pink, full-petaled, very healthy, large-flowered climber
DUC DE CAMBRIDGE (Laffay ~1800) quartered rose-crimson; wide, spreading damask
DUC DE GUICHE (<1810) crimson-to-violet gallica, not mad but somewhat eccentric
DUCHESSE DE ROHAN (Leveque 1847) vigorous portland, purple/rose/lilac kaleidoscope
DUPUY JAMAIN (Jamain 1868) ultra-fragrant hybrid perpetual; crimson with silvery reverse
DUNWICH ROSE (1954) prostrate, spreading Scots Briar; 5-petal yellow cream
EASY FASHION (NIRP 2013) full-petaled fuchsia striped climber, usually in sprays
ECLAIR (Lacharme 1883) exceptional crimson hybrid perpetual, delicious when fresh
ELISA BOELLE (Guillot 1869) HP in shades of white, a favorite with visitors to our garden
ELIZABETH STUART (Guillot 2004) yellow-apricot English style, hardy here in zone 5b
EMMA JUNE (Schroeck 2019) hybrid musk, exhibition sprays of 5-petaled bright light pink
EMPRESS MICHIKO (Dickson 1992) peaches and cream and honey, HT for Zone 5 smiles
ENFANT DE FRANCE (Laffay 1860) light silvery pink; very fragrant, free-blooming HP
ENGLISH GARDEN (Austin 1990) perfectly formed apricot-yellow, compact shrub $50
ERINNERUNG AN BROD (Geschwind 1886) superb quartered violet-purple, repeating
ERNST G DORELL (Geschwind 1897) massive month-long bloom, elegant cerise sprays
EUGENE FURST (Soupert et Notting 1875) large, globular, crimson maroon shrubby HP
EUGENE E MARLITT (Geschwind 1900) maroon-rose, bushy bulletproof bourbon
EUROPEAN TOUCH (vonKoss 1989) buff sport of Folklore, from our Queens-winning plant
FAIR MOLLY (Moore 1999) semi-double white polyantha, compact and free
*FALSTAFF (Austin 2000) crimson: fat, vain and happy (in a good year) $50
FELICITAS (Kordes 1998) superb single-petaled bright pink landscaping shrub
FELICITE PARMENTIER (1834) sophisticated alba, pearl pink pompons in sprays
FESTIVAL FANFARE (Ogilvie 1986) watermelon stripes on chalk, tall sport of Fred Loads
FIMBRIATA (Morlet 1891) double blush rugosa, petals arranged like Boris Johnson's hair
FIRE OPAL (Kordes 2015) super-good floribunda, cream to flame in sprays
FIRED UP (Meilland 2013) yellow/orange/red striped floribunda; ready-to-go in warm places
FISHER HOLMES (Verdier 1865) siren red HP; keeps blooming while growing taller
*FISHERMAN'S FRIEND (Austin 1988) crimson, best rose named for a cough drop $50
FLAMING STAR (Kordes 2018) golden yellow/scarlet hybrid tea, awesome in autumn
FLIRTATIOUS (Zary 2003) blushing pink/yellow floribunda in sprays, enduring yet rare
*FLORENCE DELATTRE (Guillot 1997) mauve English-style shrub; neat, compact habit $50
FLOWER POWER (Kordes 1994) compact, heavy-blooming, coral-salmon floribunda
FOCUS (Noack 1997) amazingly healthy grandiflora in sprays, peach pink
FORGOTTEN DREAMS (Bracegirdle 1981) hugely fragrant Crayola red hybrid tea
FT WORTH BLUES (Schneider 2023) large double mauve shrub; foliage green and cool
40 HEROES (Lim 2008) healthy, winter-hardy, upright floribunda-shrub; lantern yellow
FOUNTAIN (Tantau 1970) large, spiraled, velvety red; ahead-of-its time hybrid tea/shrub
FRAGEZEICHEN [Question Mark] (Bottner 1910) determined rambler, large pink blooms
FRANCIS BLAISE (Guillot 2000) very full, almost overflowing, orange-pink English-style
FRANCOIS COPPEE (Ledechaux 1895) vivid crimson HP; rare Autumn star
FRECKLES (Buck 1976) pale orange-pink with strawberry daubs and... freckles
FRIENDS FOREVER (Lowe 2001) brawny shrub, fuchsia pink, Austin X Explorer
FRUHLINGSDUFT (Kordes 1949) jumbo creamy apricot, superb scent, almost double $60
FUTTACKER SCHLINGROSE (Geschwind 1900) light crimson, quintessential pillar rose
GARDENIA (Horvath 1899) glossy rambler, medium blooms, lemon juice in whipped cream
GARTNERFREUDE (Kordes 1999) raspberry pink low shrub; perfect pyramidal sprays
GEBRUDER GRIMM (Kordes 2002) tangerine/lemon bicolor, big bloom, impact floribunda
GENERAL CAVAIGNAC (Margottin 1850) crimson-scarlet HP with real Old Rose character
GEOFF HAMILTON (Austin 1997) bounteous soft pink chalices, vigorous shrub $50
GEORGETTE (Interplant 1983) excellent white floribunda, clockwork sprays, now rare
GEORGETTE (Kordes 1995) reliable semi-double pink, 2nd best floribunda named Georgette
GERANIUM (RHS 1938) singular orange-red moyesii, wine bottle hips, correctly named $50
GESCHWIND'S SCHONSTE (1900) prolific crimson in neat sprays, beautiful indeed
GLAMIS CASTLE (Austin 1992) compact, free-blooming white (sometimes kissed pink) $50
GOLDEN EYE (Lim 2004) brilliant vermillion in ideal sprays; tall and healthy shrub
GOLDEN GATE (Kordes 2005) best yellow climbing rose for Ohio
GOLDEN HOLSTEIN (Kordes 1989) shocking, fragrant, semi-double floribunda in sprays
GOLDMARIE 82 (Kordes) winter-hardy floribunda of ideal habit, brilliant and reliable
GOOD OLD TIMES (Schmitz 2013) vigorous semi-double red blend, rugosa descendant
GOOD OLE MOUNTAIN DEW (Wells 2009) miniflora, lilac-mauve with cream reverse
GRACE ABOUNDING (Harkness 1968) palest wheat, spectacular sprays, floribunda X HMsk
GRANDMA'S LACE (Clements 1994) double pale pink HMsk/rambler, Sexy Rexy X Trier
"GRANDMOTHER'S HAT" everything you'd want from a pink HP, except its original name
GREAT WALL (Lim 2005) healthy, heavy-blooming bright cerise shrub, ideal 5' hedge
GREEN SNAKE (Lens 1987) adventurous ground-hugger, white blooms (green leaves)
GREETINGS (Zary 1999) superb magenta-silver-cream floribunda, never marketed by J&P
GROS CHOUX d'HOLLANDE [Big Cabbage of Holland] (very old) classic centifolia
GRUAUD LAROSE (Adam 2014) big, beautiful globular blooms; pale pearl buttercream
GRUSS AN KOBLENZ (Kordes 1963) tough red climber, kordesii X eglanteria
GUY DE MAUPASSANT (Meilland 1994) 90-petaled sprays, formerly flesh pink
HAMBURG (Kordes 1935) Crimson Glory's semi-double shrub cousin, quite rare $50
HANSALAND (Kordes 1993) best red rugosa hybrid. Period.
HAPPY PIANO (Tantau 2007) jovial pink version of Piano $50
HAROLD MACMILLAN (Harkness 1989) rare pure orange floribunda, singly and in sprays
HEATHER AUSTIN (Austin 1997) rich dusky rose-pink in large cups, upright $50
HEIDELBERG (Kordes 1959) large, wide, bright red blooms; tall floribunda-kordesii
HEIMATMELODIE (Tantau 2001) cheery, fast-repeating raspberry/gold floribunda
HEIN MUCK (Tantau 1961) blood red 5-petaled shrub, clean and neat and now quite rare
HEINRICH KARSCH (Leenders 1927) cute, prolific mauve polyantha
HENRY HUDSON (Svejda 1976) glowing double white; sturdy rugosa hybrid $50
*HENRY NEVARD (Cant 1924) big red, the very model of a modern hybrid perpetual
HIGH HOPES (Harkness 1992) fragrant climber, elegant conch pink blooms in sprays
HIMMELSAUGE (Geschwind 1884) healthy velvety purple, blooms bolt upright
HIPPOLYTE (early 19th century) deep purple on white ground, vigorous gallica hybrid
HIROSHIMA'S CHILDREN (Harkness 1985) 'Peace' re-created as elegant floribunda $60
HOME AND GARDEN (Kordes 2002) healthy pure pink floribunda; old-fashioned bloom
HOT CHOCOLATE (Simpson 1986) unique rusty orange floribunda, from New Zealand
*INDIAN SUMMER (Pearce 1991) cognac buff hybrid tea, fragrant and good to cut $50
INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE (Harkness 1984) purple patio rose
IRISH FIREFLAME (Dickson 1914) coral/salmon/yellow HT for single-petaled aficianodos
IVOR'S ROSE (2006) cerise English-style, named for Peter Beales' favorite TV weatherman
JACQUELINE DU PRE (Harkness 1988) semi-double cream, super stamens, blooms early
JAN'S WEDDING (Adams 1994) upright shrub, ready bouquets of pale gold/soft pink
*JAQUENETTA (Austin 1983) free-blooming, large semi-double apricot-peach $50
JAYNE AUSTIN (Austin 1990) elegant amber [yes, we have spelled this correctly ;)] $50
JOHN HOPPER (Ward 1862) packed full, very fragrant lilac-pink HP; correctly named
JOSEPHINE RITTER (Geschwind 1900) very full, mid-size, deep pink hybrid multiflora
JOYCE BARDEN (Barden 2000) pastel yellow bowl of fragrance, hardy enough here
JUBILEE (Walsh 1897) very rare HP: superb purple sprays, but not that perpetual $50
JULIA'S ROSE (Wisbech 1980) famous parchment tan hybrid tea, rewards TLC $50
JULIETTE GRECO (Delbard 2000) bohemian gold; 80 petals unfolding, but not immediately
JUNE BRIDE (Shepherd 1957) Ohio-bred creamy grandiflora with New Dawn ancestry
KAFFE FASSETT (Tantau 2018) superbly fragrant mauve floribunda, healthy, winter hardy
KATHLEEN FERRIER (Buisman 1952) big coral-salmon sprays, floribunda-shrub
KATHLEEN HARROP (Dickson 1919) soft pink sport of Zepherine Drouhin, just as thornless
KATHRYN MORLEY (Austin 1990) beautiful cupped blooms, shades of lighter pink $50
KEITH'S DELIGHT (Moore 2005) shiny yellow blushed pink, shrubby hybrid rugosa
KING OF HEARTS (McGredy 1968) classic bright red, high-centered, long-stem hybrid tea
KRONBURG CASTLE (Poulsen 1995) vigorous, intensely red floribunda/shrub
LA FONTAINE AUX PERLES (Adam 2013) old-fashioned chiffon pink, very glossy & tall
LA FRANCE (Guillot 1867) light pink, the original hybrid tea, still vigorous and fragrant
LA NOBLESSE (Pastoret 1856) large, very fragrant, silvery pink; more compact centifolia
LA REINE (Laffay 1842)) cupped lilac-pink; early, excellent, fragrant, hybrid perpetual
*LA ROSE DE MOLINARD (Delbard 2009) fragrant many-petaled cerise, long stems
LADY MOSS (Moore 2005) extremely mossy pale apricot-pink floribunda, quite rare $50
LADY SALISBURY (Austin 2012) rare pink, popular with people named Lady Salisbury $50
LADY STUART (Portemer 1851) unclassifiable hybrid perpetual, bourbon or china; blush
LARRY DANIELS (Liggett 2000) soft pink sport of Grandmother's Hat; free-blooming HP
LAWRENCE JOHNSTON (Pernet-Ducher 1923) vigorous yellow climber, rich man's Le Reve
LE HAVRE (Eude 1870) vigorous, free-blooming light red HP; smaller blooms in sprays
LEANDER (Austin 1982) amber-orange in spays, sometimes more vigor than blooms $50
LEAPING SALMON (Pearce 1986) fragrant climber, shapely blooms, more orange than pink
LEMON BLUSH (Sievers 1988) huge lemon-colored, lemon-scented blooms, thornless
LEMON ELEGANCE (Jones 1965) long out-of-commerce HT; stately child of Narzisse $50
LEONARDO DA VINCI (Meilland 1994) very double, quartered, rose pink in sprays
LEOPOLD RITTER (Geschwind 1900) large, bright red, centifolia-like hybrid multiflora
*LILAC ROSE (Austin 1990) large ultra-fragrant blooms, soft pink rinsed in lavender $50
LILIANA (Poulsen 1995) pale pink-apricot English-style shrub, very winter hardy
LILLIAN GIBSON (Hansen 1938) hybrid blanda, Secrest star still shining in Freedom
LIONS-ROSE (Kordes 2003) large multi-petaled champagne blooms all summer long
LITTLE RAMBLER (Warner 1995) never-ending light pink, big sprays, free-standing shrub
LORDLY OBERON (Austin 1982) shrub, most like a repeating Constance Spry $50
LOUISE ODIER (Margottin 1851) bright lilac-pink bourbon, cupped and quartered
LOVE'S KISS (J&P 2010) bright coral, under-the-radar exhibition hybrid tea
LOYAL FRIEND (Gardner 2001) elusive single-petaled white miniflora, exhibition sprays
MADISON (Poulsen 1993) big-spray pink shrublet for constitutionalists and cheeseheads
MME A LABBEY (Vibert 1843) soft pink damask hybrid, vigorous, very winter hardy
MME ALFRED CARRIERE (Schwartz 1879) cream globes, noisette that's hardy in Ohio
MME DE SEVIGNE (Moreau-Robert 1874) tall pink bourbon, worth writing home about
MME FIGARO (Delbard 2001) heavy porcelain pink cups, compact shrub
MME HERSILIE ORTGIES (Soupert & Notting 1868) soft lilac-pink, tea-infused HP
MME ISAAC PEREIRE (Garcon 1881) classic pink bourbon; gorgeous, fragrant and easy
MME JEAN (Schmitz 2020) apricot-orange climber, a shade away from repeating Alchymist
MME JEANNINE JOUBERT (Margottin 1877) rare bourbon, 100-petal rich pink saucers
MME JULES GROLEZ (Guillot 1896) very rare hybrid perpetual like-HT, pink blend
MME PAULE MASSAD (Guillot 1997) sauvignon blanc-scented English-style, chamois-pink
MME ROSA MONNET (Monnet 1885) super-rare HP; rich raspberry pink, fragrant, compact
MME VICTOR VERDIER (1863) long-stem HP; layer upon layer of crimson-rose
MANDARIN ICE (Kordes 2009) brilliant orange-red/cream reverse floribunda
MANITA (Kordes 1996) swarms of soft pink blooms, bushy climber/shrub, fast repeat
MANLY WOODBURY (Schneider 2023) deep coral pink rugosa hybrid, large hips color early
MANUEL CANOVAS (Guillot 1995) old-fashioned white on robust, fast-repeating shrub
MARCHIONESS OF LORNE (Paul 1889) vigorous hybrid perpetual, cerise with hint of silver
MARGUERITE DE ROMAN (Schwartz 1882) rare compact HP, one shade of pink past white
MARIANNE (Barden 2004) breath-taking apricot gallica/centifolia, best Barden here $50
MARIATHERESIA (Tantau 2004) petal packed pastel pink in sprays, beautiful + productive
MARIE-JEANNE (Turbat 1913) old-fashioned white in sprays; elegant, productive polyantha
MARILYN WELLAN (Edwards 2006) Lite Brite red exhibition hybrid tea
MARTINE GUILLOT (Guillot/Massad 1996) superb shrub, white HT-like blooms in sprays
MARY LOVETT (Van Fleet 1915) pure white climber, shyest of the Lovett sisters
MARY WALLACE (Van Fleet 1924) large-flowered warm pink climber, repeating when happy
MARY WEBB (Austin 1984) fragrant, free-blooming, butter yellow shrub $50
MAYOR OF CASTERBRIDGE (Austin 1996) pink, English charm + Explorer hardiness $50
MEG (Gosset 1954) large, nearly single-petaled buff-peachcot saucers; rangy big-hip climber
MEIN SCHONER GARTEN (Kordes 1997) endless double pink blooms, healthy shrub
MELODY MAKER (Dickson 1990) spectacular orange-red exhibition floribunda $50
MEL'S HERITAGE (Barden 2009) repeating wichurana, full-petaled apricot coral
MICURIN (Bohm 1936) vigorous, very double red climber, homage to Russian Burbank
MIDSUMMER (Tantau 2009) full-strength henna and blond; many-petaled, fragrant $60
MIER Y TERAN (Shoup 2005) extremely globular soft pink blend; tall, healthy shrub
MINT JULEP (Christensen 1983) long-stemmed pastel green hybrid tea $50
MIRABELLA (Zary 1995) the magazine is long gone, but the yellow floribunda lives on
MISS LORRAINE (Eve 2001) rare light pink grandiflora from France
MISS TERRI (Miller 2024) stunning deepest purple large-flowered climber
MR E E GREENWELL (Harkness 1978) textbook rosy salmon floribunda, very hard-to-find
MRS COLVILLE (19th century) superior spinosissima, 5-petal crimson, gold stamens
MRS F W SANFORD (Curtis 1898) less silvery sport of Mrs John Laing; excellent HP
MRS JOHN McNABB (Skinner 1941) double blush, polar-hardy beggeriana X rugosa
MRS OAKLEY FISHER (Cant 1921) constant golden amber single-petaled HT
MRS R B SHARMAN-CRAWFORD (Dickson 1894) long-stem, rose pink, free-blooming HP
MODERN ART (Tantau 2020) large, petal-packed English-style; shades of pink $50
MOJE HAMMARBERG (1931) bright pink double rugosa, hips, best Swedish rose
MON PETIT CHOU (Kordes 2010) giant cabbagey coral-pink; controversial/fun
MOONLIGHT (Kordes 2006) clear yellow, edged pink; healthy, shrubby climber
MORDEN 6910 (1970) arrest-me red; tall, 5 petals; better than some named Mordens
MORGENROT (Kordes 1985) loud bright red single-petaled compact shrub
MORGENSONNE (Kordes 1988) easy-growing winter-hardy yellow climber
MORNING BLUSH (Sievers 1988) big, full-petaled cream/pink; only bicolor alba
MORTIMER SACKLER (2003) pink; supporting player in Dopesick and Austin pantheon $50
MUNCHEN (Kordes 1940) large-flowered, free-blooming, scarlet-crimson hybrid musk
MUSICIAN (Wright 1953) rare rugosa X spinosissima; surprising red/yellow/grey blend
NAHEMA (Delbard 1998) almond blossom pink shrub-climber, fragrant and full $50
NANCY JEAN (Rickard 2004) apricot, world's largest miniflora rose
NARZISSE (Krause 1942) maize yellow pre-Peace exhibition hybrid tea $50
"NATIONAL ROAD" medium-large, bright red, very full hybrid china or bourbon
NEW CENTURY (VanFleet 1900) extremely rare rugosa hybrid, shades of pink
NEW FACE (Briant 1978) 5-petaled salmon pink with yellow heart, spinosissima ancestry
NEW HORIZON (Dickson 1991) very rare gold medal-winning orange floribunda
NEWS (LeGrice 1968) fragrant floribunda; wide, rose-purple blooms
NIGRETTE (Krause 1934) deepest crimson; compact, free-blooming hybrid tea
NIMBUS (LeGrice 1989) full-petaled floribunda; shades of mauve and slate
NORDHAUSEN (Krause 1940) tall, very winter hardy, carmine shrub
OAKINGTON RUBY (Bloom 1933) micro-mini, parent of many modern minis
OCEAN IN MOTION (Pearce 2009) shrub, waves of lavender-blue
OLD PORT (McGredy 1991) very purple, very double, very fragrant floribunda
OMI OSWALD (Lens 1998) enchanting hybrid musk, palest yellow, perfect sprays
ORANGE SENSATION (deRuiter 1961) classic floribunda, now out of American commerce
ORIENTAL CHARM (Duerhsen 1960) lacquered vermillion, 10-petal HT beauty
*OSHUN (Barden 2004) golden peach goddess of beauty $50
PALOMA BLANCA (Buck 1984) superior white shrub, most bang from a Buck
PAPI DELBARD (1995) large-flowered cantaloupe-orange fragrant climber $50
PAROLE (Kordes 2002) coral cerise hybrid tea; huge blooms, powerful fragrance
PARK WILHELMSHOHE (Kordes 1987) clean rose-pink gallica with HT ancestor
PARKZIERDE (Geschwind 1909) intensely red, centifolia-like bourbon hybrid
PAUL NEYRON (Levet 1869) huge blooms, huge fragrance, Neyron pink
PAUL RICAULT (Portemer 1845) easy centifolia, jumbo blended pink, fragrant+
PAUL'S EARLY BLUSH (1893) charming pale Heinrich Schultheis sport, early blooming HP
*PEACH BELLE (2007) bold orange hybrid tea, sturdy and free, scarce Ping Lim $50
PEACH MELBA (Kordes 2019) vivid apricot/orange/pink; full-petaled, healthy climber
PENNY LANE (Harkness 1998) ruffly honey-cream climber, beneath blue suburban skies
PERDITA (Austin 1983) lovely soft yellow-peach, barely double, superb scent $50
PERENNIAL BLUE (Mehring 2004) repeating rambler; blue = bright ruby lilac
PERENNIAL WHITE (Mehring 2008) big sprays on fast-repeating rambler
PERLE VON WEISSENSTEIN (Schwarzkopf 1773) historic German gallica, muddled pink
PERPETUALLY YOURS (Harkness 1999) large climber, old-fashion lemon cream
PETER FRANKENFELD (Kordes 1966) groovy deep pink hybrid tea, repeating quickly
"PHALANX" very fine deep pink bourbon, full of petals and fragrance, repeating well
PIANO (Tantau 2008) productive English-style hybrid tea, shades of red $50
PICTURE PERFECT (Wambach 1995) impossible-to-find pink blend hybrid tea $50
PIERRE NOTTING (Portemer 1863) beautiful HP, crimson with purple sheen
PIKE'S PEAK (Gunter 1940) semi-double cerise; staunch, granite hardy, acicularis hybrid
PINK MARTINI (Kordes 2012) massive display; bright pink; full-petaled sprays
PINK ROADRUNNER (Uhl 2003) shrubby bright pink hybrid rugosa
PINK SARASTRO (Kress 2007) trustworthy, flat double blush, thornless Austrian rambler
PINK SOUPERT (Gunning 1896) perfectly miniaturized OGR, strong repeat
PiRo 3 (Stritzke 1960) rose pink species hybrid, bred for vitamin C content of hips
PLAISANTERIE (Lens 1996) color-changing hybrid musk, Mutabilis for the North
POLAR VORTEX (Schneider 2024) climbing sport of Polar Express, to 12'+ in northern Ohio
POMPON VERANDA (Kordes 2008) big sprays; very full ivory-pink, lime edge $50
PORTLANDIA (Clements 2002) peach/pink/orange, poor man's Augusta Luise
POSTILLON (Kordes 1998) large yellow shrub, despite snow, rain, heat or gloom of night
POTIFAR (Poulsen 1979) large apricot-buff in sprays; generous nearly-gone grandiflora
POULSEN'S PEARL (1949) 5-petaled floribunda in sprays; at once airy and bold
PRAIRIE JOY (Collicutt 1990) very healthy clear pink upright shrub
PRAIRIE PEACE (Erskine 1975) spectacular tall HSpin, yellow/peach/pink $50
*PRETTY JESSICA (Austin 1983) intricately formed deep pink, very fragrant, compact $50
PRISTINE PAVEMENT (Baum 1990) poorly named but beautiful pure white rugosa hybrid
PROFESSOR IBRAHIM (Krause 1937) very rare, very hardy rose-pink climber
PSYCHE (Paul 1899) fragrant, pastel, button-eye rambler; must be loved to thrive
PURE BLISS (Dickson 1995) gold-medal winning pink blend HT, very rare
PURPLE LODGE (Orard 2011) stunning English-style, color absent from Austin's palette
PURPLE SKYLINER (Cowlishaw 2003) cool climber from the Rhapsody in Blue guy
QUAKER STAR (Dickson 1991) bright orange, silver reverse; floribunda-like grandiflora
QUEEN NEFERTITI (Austin 1988) soft yellow-apricot/pink, fragrant, fast-repeating $50
RACHEL BOWES-LYON (Harkness 1981) pastel orange pink R. californica hybrid
RACY LADY (Dickson 2000) sleek, free-blooming white hybrid tea, rare
RADIO TIMES (Austin 1994) classic clear pink rosettes, very fragrant $50
RADWAY SUNRISE (Waterhouse 1962) color-changing shrub: yellow → orange → red
RANDY SCOTT (Smith 2008) jumbo white exhibition hybrid tea
RED DAGMAR (Spek 1997) exquisite 5-petaled bright cherry, often in large sprays $50
RED INTUITION (Delbard 2004) extravagantly striped exhibition hybrid tea $50
RED LION (McGredy 1964) enormous hybrid tea, legacy show rose, now very rare
REICHPRASIDENT VON HINDENBERG (Lambert 1933) humongous light pink HP
REINE DES VIOLETTES (Millet-Malet 1860) Graham S. Thomas' favourite hybrid perpetual
REINE OLGA VON WURTEMBERG (Nabonnand 1881) Jekyll favourite cherry noisette
*ROCHESTER CATHEDRAL (Harkness 1987) Cardinal Hume's ecumenical pink sibling
ROGER LAMBELIN (Schwartz 1890) outlandish double pinwheel HP; crimson/white $50
ROMANTIC PALACE (Poulsen 1999) compact shrub, deeper pink Queen Margrethe sport
*R. FEDTSCHENKOANA repeating white; secret ingredient in some recent Austins $50
R. PISOCARPA pink, the Cluster Rose, renowned for pea-like fruit
R. PRIMULA dainty yellow, the Incense Rose, famous for its fragrant foliage $50
R. SERICEA PTERACANTHA the Wingthorn Rose, incredible large translucent prickles $50
ROSALI 83 (Tantau 1983) rare apple-blossom pink floribunda, exhibition sprays
*"ROSALIND" very early-blooming pink Old Garden Rose, damask/spinosissima?
ROSALITA (Lens 1997) delightful 5-petaled white hybrid musk, show sprays
ROSANNA (Kordes 1982) resiliant, fast-repeating climber; very double salmon-orange
ROSE D'AMOUR (<1759) R. virginiana with twice as many petals!
ROSEMANTIC CREAM (Sauvageot 2016) healthy, full-petaled floribunda/shrub
ROSEMANTIC FUCHSIA (Nirp 2017) compact combination of great fragrance and health
ROSEMANTIC PINK (Sauvageot 2016) peony-like rose pink, heavy bloom, compact
ROSEMANTIC RED (Nirp 2018) full-petaled glowing scarlet, floribunda habit
ROSENDORF UFHOVEN (Kordes 1949) rare sweetbriar hybrid; large, double, cherry red
ROSENFASZINATION (Kordes 2014) mauve/grey/lilac, healthy large-flowered floribunda
ROSENSTADT FRIESING (Kordes 2004) unique ruffly tricolor; healthy shrub
ROTE MOZART (Kordes 1989) nearly extinct orange-red shrub, hybrid musk-like
ROYAL WEDDING (Zary 1998) palest apricot English-style floribunda-shrub
*RUHM VON STEINFURTH (Weigand 1920) the elusive Red Druschki
RUSKIN (Van Fleet 1928) broad-shouldered, large-flowered, double, crimson rugosa $50
ST CECILIA (Austin 1987) pale apricot-pink chalices, breaking hearts in cold places $50
ST DUNSTAN'S ROSE (Kirkham 1991) soft yellow English-style, often quartered $50
SANGERHAUSEN (Kordes 1939) large-flowered hybrid musk, shades of red
SANTANA (Tantau 1985) pillar rose, giant Stop Sign-red blooms
SAPPHO (unknown) more compact version of Alba Semi-plena, should be better known
SARAH VAN FLEET (1926) classic rose pink rugosa hybrid, generous and tall
SATINA (Tantau 1992) award-winning, compact, everblooming mound; The Fairy pink
SAVOY HOTEL (Harkness 1989) heavy-blooming, elegant light pink hybrid tea
SCHLOSS SEUSSITZ (Dechant 1936) large yellow blooms on 9' arching shrub, very rare
SCHON INGEBORG (Kiese 1921) shades of light pink HP, branching and free
SCREAMING NEON (Lim 2013) bright red landscaping shrub, covered in bloom
SEBASTIAN KNEIPP (Kordes 1997) fragrant, many-petaled, cream hybrid tea
SENEGAL (Mallerin 1944) velvety dead-black climber, very fragrant
SHARIFA ASMA (Austin 1989) free-blooming, compact, fragrant, pastel blush $50
SHASTA (Schwartz 1962) snow white floribunda, enduring but extremely rare $50
SHERRY (McGredy 1960) distinctive very double floribunda, tawny blood orange
*SHI-UN [Purple Cloud] (Suzuki 1984) hard-to-find Japanese mauve hybrid tea
SHOGUN (Tantau 2000) climber, elegant cherry red/pale gold hybrid tea-like blooms
*SIBELIUS (Lens 1984) mauve-magenta hybrid musk, spectacular performance
SIDONIE (Dorisy 1846) prolific, overstuffed, rich pink HP; George Sand's favorite rose
SILVER CLOUD (Moore 1990) full-peta(led shrub, coffee & cream in silver cup
SILVER GHOST (Kordes 2004) rampant single-petaled shrub, very healthy, never invisible
SILVER MOON (VanFleet 1910) large round blooms, rambler for siding barns
SILVER PHANTOM (Rennie 1988) sleek, high-centered, rare Canadian mini $50
SILVER QUEEN (Paul 1887) extremely rare Antoinette pink hybrid perpetual
SIMON ROBINSON (Guernsey 1982) exuberant 5-petaled clear pink mini-shrub
SIR EDWARD ELGAR (Austin 1992) full-petaled cerise-crimson, Old Rose scent $50
SIWA (1910) many-petaled light pink, most elegant of Geschwind's creations
SONIA RYKIEL (Guillot 1995) coral; outshines many Austins in fragrance, form $50
SONNENWELT (Kordes 2013) floriferous moundy shrub, apricot orange
SOURIRE d'ORCHIDEE (Croix 1985) lovely 5-petal arching shrub, mauve buds open white
SOUVENIR DE McKINLEY (Godard 1902) powder pink, very rare HP X HT $50
SOUVENIR DE PHILEMON COCHET (1899) doubler Blanc Double de Coubert
SOUVENIR DE VICTOR LANDEAU (Moreau-Robert 1890) bright rosy carmine bourbon
SPENCER (Paul 1892) abundant fluffy light pink HP; fragrant; tall, leafy habit
SPICED COFFEE (McGredy 1991) unique mocha-beige HT, often approaching lavender $50
STAMMLER (TandeRuitau 1933) Urdh's taller sister, fewer petals but just as fragrant
STADT DEN HELDER [City of Heroes] (Ilsink 1979) tall red floribunda
*STANWELL PERPETUAL (Lee 1838) classic repeating spinosissima, large double pale pink
STAR OF WALTHAM (Paul 1875) rare HP; large, very full, vivid red blooms
STEPHEN RULO (Chaney 2009) large exhibition blooms in Koko Loko colors $50
SUE RYDER (Harkness 1983) free-blooming Folklore-colored floribunda, rare
SUMMER DREAM (Fryer 1990) cute apricot-orange rosettes, compact cluster floribunda
SUMMER LADY (Tantau 1991) elegant, hard-to-find, salmon-pink hybrid tea
SUMMER MEMORIES (Kordes 2005) healthy English-style shrub, white
SUMMER WINE (Kordes 1985) 5-petal peach climber, cinnamon/cerise stamens
SUMMERTIME DREAM (2008) apricot sport of Pink Robusta, introduced by us
SUNNY SILUETTA (Kordes 2020) healthy, compact, repeating, lemon rambler
SUNNY SUNDAYS (Smith 2013) promising yellow blend exhibition hybrid tea
SUSAN (Poulsen 1997) ivory shrub, English-style, compact and free-blooming
SWARTHMORE (Meilland 1963) immense spiraled HT, cerise pink to crimson
SWEET PAROLE (Pawsey 2011) generous, very fragrant, rose pink sport of Parole
SWEET VICTORIA (Schmitz 2013) globular floribunda, soft pink melange
TAXI (Poulsen 1978) fragrant hybrid tea, from Denmark where cabs are red
TENDER BLUSH (Sievers 1988) soft pink, vigorous, large-flowered modern alba
THE COUNTRYMAN (Austin 1987) rugged, fragrant. deep pink OGR-like shrub $50
*THE DARK LADY (Austin 1991) tree peony-like crimson blooms, sprawly shrub $50
THE ENDEAVOUR (Austin 2006) compact orange-pink shrub with fragrance $50
THE LIGHTHOUSE (Sproul 2010) high-centered, glowing yellow mini; long cutting stems
THE OPTIMIST (deRuiter 1955) gold-medal winning maize/rose floribunda, now very rare
THE PAINTER (McGredy 1995) wide orange/yellow stripes, impact floribunda
THE PRIDE (Nirp 2018) spectacular huge, deeply cupped, fragrant, lavender hybrid tea
*THE PRINCE (Austin 1990) deep crimson to extraordinary royal purple $50
THE REEVE (Austin 1979) charming, fragrant, nodding, globular rose pink; compact $50
THE SQUIRE (Austin 1977) exquisitely formed crimson; short, persistent, shrub $50
THE STREAK (Wells 2010) vigorous yellow-red striped miniature showoff
THOR (Horvath 1940) Ohio-bred setigera climber, huge bright crimson blooms
THUSNEDLA (Muller 1886) large soft pink; rugosa X Gloire de Dijon (because they could)
TIGER TAIL (Christensen 1992) randomly striped orange floribunda, already rare
TIKI (McGredy 1965) elegant coral pink blend floribunda, usually one-per-stem
*TRADESCANT (Austin 1993) blackest Austin, intricately formed, compact $50
TRIOMPHE DE CAEN (Oger 1861) rare hybrid perpetual; brilliant scarlet, shaded purple
TROPICAL SUNSET (McGredy 1996) yellow/orange striped hybrid tea; front yard favorite
TUSCANY SUPERB (Rivers <1837) velvety deep crimson purple gallica
TWICE IN A BLUE MOON (Tantau 2004) free-blooming, fragrant mauve HT; show form
VALENTINE HEART (Dickson 1990) free-flowering floribunda, Brach's pink
VARIEGATA DI BOLOGNA (Bonfiglioli 1909) tall bourbon; big, striped globular blooms
VERDUN (Barbier 1918) bright fuchsia, ideal compact habit, most profuse polyantha
*VERSCHUREN (1904) come for boldly variegated foliage, stay for exquisite pink blooms
VERSIGNY (Guillot 1998) many petaled warm apricot-orange, a French Summer Song $50
*VESPER (LeGrice 1966) scrolled golden tan, charming floribunda
VIBRANT VONNIE (Roussell 2019) white/pink hybrid tea, exhibition potential
VIKING QUEEN (Phillips 1963) fragrant English-style coral pink; winter-hardy climber
VILLE DE ST DENIS (Thomas 1853) sleek hybrid perpetual, rich pink variations
VIOLET HOOD (Lens 1976) free-blooming plum pompons; hybrid musk X polyantha
VIOLETTE (Turbat 1921) bluest rambler, grape-like clusters, fragrant, thornless
VIOLINA (Tantau 1997) elegant long-stemmed hybrid tea; Van Fleet pink
VON SCHARNHORST (Lambert 1921) lemon icing semi-double shrub
WAPITI (Meilland 1988) decorated red/silver hand-painted floribunda, nearly extinct $50
WARM WELCOME (Warner 1991) tithonia orange climbing mini (upright, no sprawl)
WARTBURG (Kiese 1910) tough rambler, large pink blend sprays over a long season
WASAGAMING (Skinner 1939) superior double clear pink, (rugosa X acicularis) X bourbon
WEDDING PIANO (Tantau 2013) bridal white version of Piano $50
WELLENSPIEL (Kordes 2017) luxurious pastel pink English-style; fragrant, healthy shrub
WENLOCK (Austin 1984) very fragrant crimson, more eager than some red Austins $50
WHEELER DEALER (McFadden/Grass 2018) show MinFl, pale pink Tammy Clemons sport
WICHMOSS (Barbier 1911) the iconic mossed rambler, light pink, now quite rare
WILLIAM MORRIS (Austin 1998) vigorous, tall, fully cupped pale apricot-pink $50
*WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (Austin 1987) crimson, the original and still quite charming $50
*WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE 2000 (Austin) crimson, spectacular blooms when well fed $50
*WISE PORTIA (Austin 1982) fragrant, double, compact; somewhat purple $50
WOLLEY-DOD'S ROSE (<1770) R. pomifera with more petals, same great hips
WOMAN'S VALUE (Kordes 1984) rare pumpkin orange HT; large blooms/strong stems $50
WRETHAM ROSE (Hoellering 1997) fragrant, big deep pink modern centifolia
YESTERDAY (Harkness 1974) superb lavender polyantha/shrub
Rare and Choice Lilacs For Sale
Own-root lilacs propagated at Freedom Gardens. 1-, 2- and 3-gallon pots. $40 each.
ALBERT HOLDEN purple/white, best bicolor lilac, Fiala introduction
AMI SCHOTT heirloom double blue SOLD OUT
ANABEL pink, tall, earliest to bloom SOLD OUT
ATHELINE WILBUR double magenta/pink, upright, Fiala introduction SOLD OUT
AVALANCHE white, tall, Fiala introduction SOLD OUT
BELLE DE NANCY heirloom double blush
BETSY ROSS white, bushy habit, early to bloom
BLUE EYES prolific single-petaled sky blue, raised by Susan Schneider SOLD OUT
CATAWBA PINK seldom-seen double SOLD OUT
CONGO heirloom magenta-red SOLD OUT
CROIX DE BRAHY heirloom pink, wide habit SOLD OUT
ETHEL M WEBSTER palest pink, earlier than most prestonias SOLD OUT
FERNAND PEGOT magenta/pink, rarely in commerce SOLD OUT
FRANK'S FANCY striking modern dark purple SOLD OUT
FREDERICK DOUGLASS blue, Rochester family SOLD OUT
GEORGE EASTMAN rich cerise julianae hybrid SOLD OUT
GLORY enormous magenta florets, correctly named SOLD OUT
HOLGER very late white, best Finnish lilac SOLD OUT
ISABELLA superb mauve prestonia, hard-to-find south of the border SOLD OUT
IVORY SILK shapely tree, blooms late and long
JESSIE GARDNER violet, large florets, unaccountably hard-to-find SOLD OUT
KATHERINE HAVEMEYER tall double pink
KINGSVILLE blue, free-blooming
KOSMOS violet, superb Communist lilac SOLD OUT
LOIS AMEE UTLEY pink/lavender, Fiala introduction SOLD OUT
MME ABEL CHATENAY heirloom double white, abundant SOLD OUT
MME LEON SIMON heirloom double lavender, rare SOLD OUT
MAIDEN'S BLUSH pink, healthy, early to bloom
MARECHAL FOCH heirloom reddish-pink SOLD OUT
MARGARET FENICCHIA purple-violet, Rochester family SOLD OUT
MARIE FRANCES best pink, compact, Fiala SOLD OUT
McMASTER CENTENNIAL huge white panicles SOLD OUT
MISS KIM ubiquitous but very useful dwarf Korean lilac SOLD OUT
MISS MILLIE double bright rose, tall, upright SOLD OUT
We are pleased to re-introduce this excellent cultivar created by Wayne Hughes, proprietor of The Lilac Farm in Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania from 1990 to 2005.
MONGE heirloom red-violet SOLD OUT
MONIQUE LEMOINE heirloom double white SOLD OUT
MOUNT BAKER white, wide, prolific SOLD OUT
MY FAVORITE double deep magenta/purple SOLD OUT
NADEZHDA double blue/mauve, Communist lilac SOLD OUT
NARRAGANSETT lavender, fast-growing SOLD OUT
OLD GLORY early-blooming blue/purple (perhaps counterintuitively, much newer than Glory)
OLIMPIADA KOLESNIKOVA double violet-magenta, rare Communist lilac SOLD OUT
OLIVIER DE SERRES heirloom double blue, rare SOLD OUT
P P KONCHALOVSKI big blue, double, Communist lilac SOLD OUT
PAMYAT o S M KIROV double blue-lavender, hardcore Communist lilac SOLD OUT
PAT PESATA pink/blue, compact, extremely rare Fiala introduction SOLD OUT
PAUL THIRION heirloom double magenta/purple
PAULINE FIALA violet with white SOLD OUT
PEACOCK often double pink blend from Hulda Klager SOLD OUT
POCAHONTAS early-blooming purplish red
PRAIRIAL pink/lilac species cross, late-in-the-day Lemoine SOLD OUT
PRAIRIE PETITE purple, compact
PRESIDENT GREVY heirloom double blue
PRESIDENT POINCARE heirloom double magenta, hard-to-find SOLD OUT
PRIMROSE Holden selection of soft yellow vulgaris SOLD OUT
REDWINE magenta, bushy, late-blooming prestonia SOLD OUT
ROCHESTER game-changing white $60
ROYALTY superior purple-violet prestonia SOLD OUT
ST JOAN double white, elegant, compact, one of the rare Rowancroft lilacs SOLD OUT
SARAH SANDS extremely purple, large florets SOLD OUT
SISTER JUSTINA early blooming, lemon buds open white SOLD OUT
SWEETHEART double, shades of pink SOLD OUT
S. x CHINENSIS tall rosy purple SOLD OUT
TRISTE BARBARO deep purple, beautiful but slow-growing SOLD OUT
UTRO MOSKVY double lilac-pink, Communist lilac SOLD OUT
VESTALE heirloom pure white, now quite rare SOLD OUT
VICTOR LEMOINE heirloom double lavender, rare SOLD OUT
VIOLET GLORY stunning deepest violet, appears black from a distance, Rowancroft SOLD OUT
WESTON'S RAINBOW kaleidoscopic foliage, violet florets SOLD OUT
YANKEE DOODLE rich purple, Fiala introduction, the correct lilac SOLD OUT
"YANKEE FOOLED YA" excellent tightly-packed lavender modern vulgaris, sold as Yankee Doodle by several nurseries $20
ZNAMYA LENINA (Banner of Lenin) breath-taking red-violet, Communist lilac SOLD OUT
ZULU violet, large florets, hard-to-find SOLD OUT
COMMUNIST LILAC = the stunning introductions of, primarily, the Soviet Union's Leonid Kolesnikov. Some have names such as Banner of Lenin or Communist Youth League, or honor heroes of the Revolution.
FIALA INTRODUCTION = the creations of Father John L. Fiala, the renowned lilac-hybridizing priest of Medina, Ohio.
ROWANCROFT = the remarkable vulgaris hybrids bred by Miss Mary Blacklock and Miss Minerva Castle at Rowancroft Gardens in Meadowvale, Ontario in the mid-20th century.
Rose/lilac availability list updated 27 March 2025.
Copyright © 1997-2025 Peter Schneider
All rights reserved